“It's as if someone vacuumed up the horizon while we were looking the other way.”
“It's strange though. People make such a big deal about looks, but after a while, when you know someone, you don't even notice anymore, do you? It's just the way they look.”
“Silence isn't golden, it's deadly. It's a vacuum that fills up with ghosts.”
“Someone put opera on inside the house. Someone changed it to hip-hop, thank God. Someone started a shower. Someone vacuumed. Again.Life. In all its mundane majesty.And you couldn't take advantage of it if you were sitting on your ass in the shadows... whether it was in actuality, or metaphorically because you were trapped in an attic's darkness.”
“You know in sixth grade, when they made all of us girls go into this other room and watch a video about getting our periods and stuff? I bet while we were gone, the boys were watching a video about how to look at each other in that infuriating way.”
“Our minds are information vacuums. Either we fill them with thoughts of our choosing or someone else will.”