“This here is your inheritance, says the senior partner. Yes, he says, Ludwig, I know, and stows the plan for the bathing house (5.5m long, 3.8m wide, outer wall construction: wood, roof construction: thatch), stows both the plan and the mosquito in his briefcase. On a German shelf, this mosquito, pressed flat between large quantities of paper, will outlast time and times, and one day it might even be petrified, who knows.”
“You know the beauty of driving one of these? (Wulf)No. (Cassandra)You can swat a Daimon like a mosquito. (Wulf)Well, since they’re both bloodsucking insects, I say go for it. (Cassandra)”
“Any contractor who would construct a flat-roofed, two-storey building in Northern New Hampshire was enough of a moron to not know how many assholes a human being had.”
“The mosquitoes around here are so mean - one day I saw one chase a bird into a birdhouse. The only thing that save the bird's life was the mosquito was too big to get into the hole.”
“Mujo is a refugee in Germany, has no job, but has a lot of time, so he goes to a Turkish bath. The bath is full of German businessmen with towels around their waists, huffing and puffing, but every once in a while a cell phone rings and they pull their phone out from under the towel and say, Bitte? Mujo seems to be the only one without a cell phone, so he goes to the bathroom and stuffs toilet paper up his butt. He walks back out, a long trail of toilet paper behind him. So a German says, you have some paper, Herr, sticking out behind you. Oh, Mujo says, it looks like I have received a fax.”
“the juniors were acting different because they are now the seniors. They even had T-shirts made. I don't know who plans these things.”