“Don't worry about the future, sooner or later it's the past. If they say the feeling's gone then it's time to take it back.”
“Don't worry about what anybody else is going to do. The best way to predict the future is to invent it.”
“The fight's here, ice-boy. Don't worry about your boyfriend, worry about yourself.”
“To dwell in the here and now does not mean you never think about the past or responsibly plan for the future. The idea is simply not to allow yourself to get lost in regrets about the past or worries about the future. If you are firmly grounded in the present moment, the past can be an object of inquiry, the object of your mindfulness and concentration. You can attain many insights by looking into the past. But you are still grounded in the present moment.”
“This is real. This is what's important to me now. I'm not worried about the future, whatever it brings. I have all I need, right here.”