“There will be no magic, whatsoever. Magic is either a poverty-stricken necessity or a wealthy fantasy. We are in neither of those straits, and what cannot be explained will be left unknown.”
“And that's what I don't like about magic, Captain. 'cos it's *magic*. You can't ask questions, it's magic. It doesn't explain anything, it's magic. You don't know where it comes from, it's magic! That's what I don't like about magic, it does everything by magic!”
“Magic is magic as long as humans can explain it logically!”
“Personally, I find miracles and magic very hard to believe in. Both to me are simply something that as yet we cannot comprehend but which will be explained logically in time.”
“Ah, I thought, feeling the first brush of tingling warmth as we fell into the unknown. Magic.”
“Is there magic in this world? Certainly! But it is not the kind of magic written about in fantasy stories. It is the kind of magic that comes from ideas and the hard work it often takes to make them real. ”