“God. How would I cope if I went to jail? I'd never even been to boarding school.”
“When I went to school every teacher had a BOARD of education.”
“I'd been in love with her for years. I never left this suburban town. I didn't go to university. I went to Audrey. ”
“He was the only boy I'd found worth dating in God knows how many schools. I mean, ever since he'd been bitten by a werwulf he'd been rock-steady. The best thing about this totally effed-up situation.”
“When I got a bad grade in my old boarding school, Kate would make a trip to the school to chew me out. When I got homesick, I'd flunk a grade on purpose. Sometimes she came by herself. Sometimes with other people. Boy kind of people. Of whom I promised myself I wouldn't be thinking about, because they were idiots.”
“Most people felt lost after high school. Sometimes I felt like I'd never really been found in the first place.”