“Almost.It’s a big word for me.I feel it everywhere.Almost home.Almost happy.Almost changed.Almost, but not quite.Not yet.Soon, maybe.I’m hoping hard for that.”
“She liked the word ineffable because it meant a feeling so big or vast that it could not be expressed in words.And yet, because it could not be expressed in words, people had invented a word to express it, and that made Liesl feel hopeful, somehow.”
“It is always hard for me to share my creative output with others...It feels like I have taken a big dump on a platter and set it out at a party for people to view. I hope you like the way it looks and smells.”
“Sometimes you search so hard for words. You look for a way to interpret the language of this heart and the unspoken bond you feel. But in the end you are left with nothing but silence. And deep down you hope it’s understood.”
“sometimes words are not big enough to contain all the feelings you are trying to pour into them.”
“I would not want you to think of anything while you hunt, especially not of me.I would hope that would be too distracting.”