“I'm going through hell," I cried, "and Steve wants me to be thankful he baked a pie." (272)”
“...and remember: There's no crying in pie baking. -The Bake-Off”
“A cry for help that only Ma and someone else’s apple pie—” because Christ knows Ma can’t bake “—can fix.”
“You ever hear a dog cry, Steve? You know, howling so loud it's almost unbearable?' He nodded. 'I reckon they howl like that because they're so hungry it hurts, and that's what I feel in me every day of my life. I'm so hungry to be somethin' - to be somebody. You hear me?' He did. 'I'm not lyin' down ever. Not for you. Not for anyone.' I ended it. 'I'm hungry, Steve.'Sometimes I think they're the best words I've ever said.'I'm hungry.”
“I'm scared," he says."I know," says the nurse."I want you all to go to Hell.""That's natural.”
“Hey there cutie," he said. "What's your name?"Lex rolled her eyes and turned toward the window. "Kill me.""Kimmy? I'm Steve," he went on undeterred."Cram it, Steve”