“He was fiddling with the harness on the lead horse when she approached him, and asked, "Do you have proof that our aunt sent you to escort us?"He glanced sideways at her,but then put his attention back on the horse. "I mentioned your aunt,you didn't," he pointed out,his tone indifferent."Well,yes,you did,but everyone in this town knows that we recently lost our father and are traveling to live with our aunt."That got his eyes on her again with a narrowed frown. "I've never set foot in this town before.""So you say,but-""Are you accusing me of sneaking into town in the last day or so,hearing your tale that 'everyone' knows about, and cooking up a plan to abscond with you and your sister?"Put that way,it sounded really horrible. He'd have to be the worst sort of person to cook up such a plan. She winced mentally. She should nod in agreement. She couldn't bring herself to do it.She didn't need to.He was already furious with her.He reached inside his vest to pull out a letter he had stuffed in a pocket there. He literally shoved the letter in Marian's face."This is how I knew where to find you, Miss Laton,and having not found you where you were supposed to be,I've spent every day since tracking you down.”

Johanna Lindsey

Johanna Lindsey - “He was fiddling with the harness on...” 1

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