“She thought I should woo you into removing the mask I told her you were wearing."She'd managed to surprise him yet again, to go by his expression and the lambent look that entered his eyes. "That sounds entirely too interesting. You have my rapt attention. Woo away.""I wouldn't know how," she admitted, lowering her head and suddenly feeling embarrassed."Move a little closer,m'dear. I promise I'll get the message."Her head shot back up. "You're entirely too bold,Rupert St. John.""I know.It's wonderful,isn't it?"She rolled her eyes. She supposed this Rupert was much preferable to the dangerous one she'd briefly met in Nigel's room.But which was the real St. John?Aware that the dance was going to end at any moment,she said, "Now it's my turn.Are you really a spy?""Good God,do you really think I'd say so if I was?" he replied,aghast, which was obviously feigned."I thought we were being honest.""No,you are being honest. I'm merely being delighted by it."Rebecca gritted her teeth. He'd finally managed to provoke her ire with his evasiveness. She stopped dancing, pulled away from his hands,and walked away.But she heard him call softly after her, "Wait! You haven't heard my dire warnings!""Keep them," she shot back. "I wouldn't believe them anyway."DId he have to laugh at that?”

Johanna Lindsey

Johanna Lindsey - “She thought I should woo you into...” 1

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