“In order to live in the present, we have to learn how to feel safe even when a situation feels threatening to us.”
“The Moon rules our emotional nature, how we react in situations, and what is needed in our lives to make us feel emotionally safe and secure.”
“When a situation feels dangerous to you, it's probably more safe than you know; when a situation feels safe, that is precisely when you should feel on guard.”
“Why does the threat of violent death alter some of us, even if subtly, forever? Why does it make us unusually numb or calm when we ought to feel terrified? Why do scents or sounds trigger in some of us a feeling of terror or unbearable dread, even in situations where we know, at least, intellectually, that we are perfectly safe?”
“Earth will be safe when we feel in us enough safety.”
“There are possibilities that exist beyond our present "knowing," and to see those possibilities, we must abandon that which makes us feel safe.”