“Fifty years isn’t too bad. With luck you might see it happen when you’re a sweet, old granny, dandling big fat babies on your knee. Actually”—he held up a hand, interrupting Kitty’s cry of protest—“no, that’s wrong. My projection is incorrect.”“Good.”“You’ll never be a sweet old granny. Let’s say, ‘sad, lonely old biddy’ instead.”
“My granny used to say if you’re too sharp you’ll cut yourself,”
“One day, while at the drugstore picking up some aspirin for my Mom, dear old Mrs. Burns, our pharmacist, shoved a pack of condoms into my hand with a conspiratorial wink."They glow in the dark," she whispered.This, from a sixty-five year-old granny, I kid you not. Stuff of nightmares.”
“Granny was an old-fashioned witch. She didn’t do good for people, she did right by them.”
“It was such a sweet, sad song with such sweet, sad lyrics. Old-fashioned a little, but also timeless.”
“Life is Beauty, Mystery, Sweetness and Terror. Get married soon as possible so when you get divorced, you’re not too old. Miss Agony”