“We can't stick together if we're going to different places," CeeCee said.”
“We're the ones who arent normal. People are supposed to be like that: obedient, calm, working together. It's us-who can't focus, who can't work together, who can't do the Feeder or Shipper jobs-we're the ones who aren't normal. We're the ones who have to take the mental meds just so we don't go loons.”
“You aren't a hero and I'm not beautiful and we probably won't live happily ever after " she said. "But we're alive and together and we're going to be all right.”
“Well, hi, CeeCee," I said. "Hi, Adam. Nice of you two to drop by. Ever heard of knocking?""Oh, please," CeeCee said. "Why? Because we might interrupt you and your precious Jesse?"Jesse, upon hearing this, raised his eyebrows. Way up.”
“Everything that tried to stand between us doesn't matter. We might have broken a little. But now we're stronger in those broken places. And we're going to face whatever comes next together.”
“That's what I meant,' said Pippin. 'We hobbits ought to stick together, and we will. I shall go, unless they chain me up. There must be someone with intelligence in the party.”