“Faith,Waiting in the heart of a seed, Promises a miracle of life which cannot prove at once.”
“Faith ― acceptance of which we imagine to be true, that which we cannot prove.”
“That is the definition of faith -- acceptance of that which we imagine to be true, that which we cannot prove.”
“Forgiveness was sweeter than I'd ever imagined. Hope was turning into faith. In fact, they were so close they could almost be the very same thing. Or they could be, if I let the tiny seed keep growing inside me. I realized that faith could fix a broken heart. Faith was the glue that held it together. That was part of the miracle.”
“Faith does not, in the realist, spring from the miracle but the miracle from faith. If the realist once believes, then he is bound by his very realism to admit the miraculous also.”
“Seeds of discouragement cannot take root in a grateful heart.”