“I can't believe this." Temper still high, she planted her hands on her hips. "For weeks, I have imagined you making love to me.I even tried to seduce you." So he had been right about that. "Now-when we are in the middle of the Duke of Sheffield's ball-you decide you want me.""I've never stopped wanting you,Grace."She started to back away. "You made me look like a fool."Ethan stalked to her, matching her step for step. Now that his mind was made up,he intended to have her and soon. "You didn't look the least like a fool. You looked like a woman whose husband desired her."Her back came up against the door."You...you are still the pirate you were aboard your ship!""That's right.And I intend to plunder the treasure I acquired the day we were wed.”

Kat Martin

Kat Martin - “I can't believe this." Temper still high...” 1

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