“We walk into the lobby of the hotel and I try not to grin at the man behind the counter. I refrain from screaming, "I'm going to have sex! With this gorgeous woman. She want to have sex. I didn't even have to ask, she just want to have sex. With me! Can you believe it?" I take deep breaths and try to downplay that this moment is the highlight of my life. Air kicks and high-fives probably wouldn't be a cool more right now.”
“She asked me if I wanted to have sex, and I replied, “With you, or in general?”
“Well alright then," His eyes glittered. "I get my kicks whipping woman I have sex with and you're next on my list. Now I'm going to take a shower.”
“Do you want to have sex? I think we should have sex. CASUAL sex.”
“But the thing is that I can hear Sam and Craig having sex, and for the first time in my life, I understand the end of that poem. And I never wanted to. You have to believe me.”
“She wouldn't have sex with me in public bathrooms. Little things like this haunted me. I was only twenty-five.”