“You are ours and he should have known not to touch you.""I'm yours? I thought you hated me."Kit stepped out of the bathroom. "We don't hate you. You're our pet.""Kit!" Rusty shook her head. "Don't say that. You'll offend her."Kit shrugged "She is. She's so little and cute. She yaps around trying to please like... What are they called? A Yorkie?"Rusty sighed. "We decided she's more similar to a cute little poodle with her long blonde hair." She flashed a smile at Ellie. "Don't take it offensively please. We enjoy having you around and you amuse us to no end.”
“It's crazy isn't it?" She shook her head. "You have to believe it, but you hate it. I don't have to believe it, and I think it's beautiful." She shook her head again. "It's crazy.”
“[Leafpool] waved her tail in greeting as she padded past Cloudtail and Daisy; as she left the clearing she heard Cloudtail meowing, "This time try to pretend I'm a badger and I'm going to eat your kits.""But my kits really like you," Daisy protested.”
“We can take it slow," he said. "You can learn to be with me. Find out what I'm all about. You never know, you might like what you find.""Don't hold your breath," she said.He stepped toward her casually, amusement flickering around his lips. She tensed, her eyes checking for a way to run."Or..." His hand lashed out, grabbed her, and whipped her into his arms, where he held her tight. "We can take it fast and rough.”
“I have to give her what you did, don't I?" she said. "Enough of my personal information for Aurilelde to link to her own... so that the congruency between us is complete, and all this works out the way it should..."Kit didn't say anything....But why wouldn't I? Nita thought. To make all this come out all right. She nodded to Irina. Irina nodded back, turned away.And only then did it occur to Nita, with a shock, that this would mean it hadn't been Aurilelde who Kit had been so attracted to. It was her...”
“Where did you come from?" she asked impulsively."The same place you did."It took her a minute, then she chuckled. "I don't mean biologically. Geographically."He shrugged, trying not to be pleased she had caught on so quickly. "South of here.""Oh,well that's specific," she muttered, then tried again. "What about family? Do you have family?"He stopped to study her. "Why?"With an exaggerated sigh, Gennie shook her head. "This is called making friendly conversation.It's a new trend that's catching on everywhere.""I'm a noncomformist.""No! Really?""You do that wide-eyed, guileless look very well, Genvieve.”