“I set my words carefully upon the page; they have taken time to prove, to ripen and mature.I look and listen to their cadence, shape and syllables.Like bread and cheese and wine, I lay them out for you”
“The shapes arranged themselves into words, and the words spelled out a delicious and wonderful phrase: Once upon a time.”
“Indentations on the page, words, my friends, and I will share them with you.”
“Or have I passed my time in pouring words like water into empty sieves, rolling a stone up a hill and then down again, trying to prove an argument in the teeth of facts, and looking for causes in the dark, and not finding them?”
“It is always hard for me to share my creative output with others...It feels like I have taken a big dump on a platter and set it out at a party for people to view. I hope you like the way it looks and smells.”
“The pages and the words are my world, spread out before your eyes and for your hand to touch. Vaguely, I can see you face looking down into me, as I look back. Do you see my eyes?”