“Every pair of eyes facing you has probably experienced something you could not endure.”
“People Trust Me with their secrets, and I'm not sure why. It must be something in my face, probably my eyes.”
“You could probably open up a damn seafood house with all the crabs he probably has.”
“Every curse has a blessing and every blessing has a curse. When you stand face to face with your destiny, will you be able to tell one from the other?”
“She had heard it said that, before you could understand anybody, you needed to walk a mile in their shoes, which did not make a whole lot of sense, because probably AFTER you had walked a mile in their shoes, you would understand that they were chasing you and accusing you of the theft of a pair of shoes--although, of course, you could probably outrun them, owing to their lack of footwear.”
“If you can go through life without experiencing pain you probably haven't been born yet.”