“Five years off my life...I wondered with a wry smile, would people be immortal if they didn't have kids?”
In this quote, Malorie Blackman raises the question of whether having children shortens one's lifespan. The speaker reflects on the sacrifices and challenges that come with being a parent, humorously suggesting that perhaps people would be immortal if they did not have kids. This thought provoking quote invites readers to contemplate the complex relationship between parenthood and mortality.
In today's society, the decision to have children is a complex and personal one. With increasing awareness of factors such as overpopulation, climate change, and mental health issues, many individuals are questioning the impact of parenthood on their own lives and the world as a whole. Malorie Blackman's thought-provoking quote highlights the potential trade-offs associated with having children and prompts us to consider the implications of our choices on future generations.
"“Five years off my life...I wondered with a wry smile, would people be immortal if they didn't have kids?” - Malorie Blackman"
When reading this quote by Malorie Blackman, it may lead us to ponder some deeper questions about parenthood and its impact on our lives. Here are some reflection questions to consider:
“I didn't belong as a kid, and that always bothered me. If only I'd known that one day my differentness would be an asset, then my early life would have been much easier.”
“Goodnight, Nash.”His lips twist into a wry smile. I wonder what he was expecting. “Good night, beautiful Olivia.”
“Have you ever seen such an ugly damn cat?” Beckett had said with a wry smile. “Aren’t kittens supposed to be all cute and shit?” He liked this kid.”
“Every five-year-old kid should have a pair of happy pajamas. (217)”
“You don't have to echo my feelings, Mencheres, but you can't talk me out of them either. I love you" Her smile was wry. "Deal with it.”