“You’re better off fighting hand to hand than wielding a weapon you don’t know how to use. A skilled opponent would simply disarm you. Then your troubles would be doubled. Not only would you be under attack, but you’d have to counter your own weapon”
“If you're in a life and death struggle, and I handed you a weapon, would you use it?God has handed you the most power weapon: The Name of Jesus.All He requires is that you practice using it.Fire at will!”
“A battle? What battle? I hold the whip hand. I don't fight the disarmed." "Are they? They have a weapon against you. It's their only weapon, but it's a terrible one. Ask yourself what it is, some time." "Where do you see any evidence of it?" "In the unforgivable fact that you're as unhappy as you are.”
“Having a weapon you do not know how to use is better than having nothing at all, but not by much. -Kanin”
“It’ll turn me into a weapon,’ I say, my voice suddenly loud. ‘All you got to do is curl your hands into fists and you turn into a weapon,’ says Jim. ‘Your body is just another tool. This technology changes nothing; it only amplifies. You decide how to use your tools. Whether to do good or evil.”
“A weapon you held and didn't know how to use belonged to your enemy.”