“If her soul ever leaks, I want it to land on me.”
“I want her to wait for me. I want her to wait for me so bad. I don’t want to think about her ever allowing anyone bedsides me to love her.”
“He's waking her in every moment.Disturbing her.Reaching through her and abandoning her at the same time.He throws her down and takes her and cuts her open. The bedspring leaks - a howling, desperate noise of falling down and springing up, even though they don't want to. Refusal is pointless. Complaint has no use. Some crying crawls to the doorway where I stand. It hobbles out from the gap in the door and lands at my feet”
“All I could feel was love leaking in my soul and my heart seeping bits of heaven.”
“I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want.”
“He peered down at me. “Jesus Christ. You’re leaking.”If by “leaking” he meant “sobbing like a girl,” I guess so.”