“She gave 'The Dream Carrier' to Max as if words alone could nourish him.”
“As it turned out, Ilsa Hermann not only gave Liesel Meminger a book that day. She also gave her a reason to spend time in the basement, her favorite place, first with Papa, then Max. She gave her a reason to write her own words, to see that words had also brought her to life."Don't punish yourself", she heard her say again, but there would be punishment and pain, and there would be happiness, too. That was writing.”
“She could dream of happy endings. For him, if not for her.”
“Dreams nourish the soul just as food nourishes the body. The pleasure of the search and of adventure feeds our dreams.”
“What in the hell is going on around here?” she yelled. “Could you guys keep it down to aircraft-carrier noise?”
“...she gave him all the love she could not give herself. She loved him becasue he was the embodiment of those attributes she wanted for herself...”