“The point is, it didn’t really matter what the book was about. It was what it meant that was important.”
“I've come to understand that the truth isn't really what's important...what really matters is what people agree is the truth. -Greymane”
“Kierkegaard also said that truth is `subjective`. By this he did not mean it doesn't matter what we think or believe. He meant that the really important truths are personal. Only these truths are `true for me`.”
“What people value in their books—and thus what they count as literature—really tells you more about them than it does about the book.”
“I feel like people are only really dead once you stop learning about them. This is why it is important to me to keep learning about my mother, and what she wanted, and what her life meant, what she meant by the life she led. Then she will be alive, somehow, and her wish for me will have come true. My vow is to learn more about her. To see her as she saw herself.”
“That was what it meant, didn’t it. Being good. You didn’t have to sink wells in Burkina Faso. You didn’t have to give away your coffee table. You just had to see things from other people’s point of view. Remember they were human.”