“I don't know what the heart is, not I: I only use the word to denote the mind's frailties.”
“But what is chance? What is genius?The words chance and genius do not denote any really existing thing and therefore cannot be defined. Those words only denote a certain stage of understanding of phenomena. I do not know why a certain event occurs; I think that I cannot know it; so I do not try to know it and I talk about chance. I see a force producing effects beyond the scope of ordinary human agencies; I do not understand why this occurs and I talk of genius.To a heard of rams, that ram the herdsman dries each evening into a special enclosure to feed, and that becomes twice as fat as the others, must seem to be a genius.”
“The mind lies using words. The heart has no words with which to lie. It conveys only truth.”
“You must not let fatigue set in," she warns. "That is what my mother said. Let your body work until it is spent, but keep your mind for yourself.""Good advice.""To tell the truth, I do not know this thing called 'mind', what it does or how to use it. It is only a word I have heard.""The mind is nothing you use," I say. "The mind is just there. It is like the wind. You simply feel its movements.”
“God knows I've got so many frailties myself, I ought to be able to understand and forgive them in others. But I don't.”
“So what's the point of using words nobody else knows or can say comfortably? I just don't understand that.”