“Based loosely on NASA monkey research, Soviet paranormal studies, chaos theory and the lost experimental writings of Thorstein Veblen, the Faking Smart! Six-Week Program is one of the most advanced six-week programs of its kind.”
“The memory of the American public is about six weeks.”
“It’s been six weeks. If Blane hasn’t sealed the deal by now, its open season.”
“Crash programs fail because they are based on the theory that, with nine women pregnant, you can get a baby a month.”
“Plus, I was about to spend six weeks with Christian Ozera. He was sarcastic, difficult, and made jokes about everything. Actually, he was a lot like me.It was going to be a long six weeks.”
“I've only been gone a week," I reminded him.Well, a week's a long time. It's seven days. Which is one hundred and sixty-eight hours. Which is ten thousand, eighty minutes. Which is six hundred thousand, for hundred seconds.”