“"..love is as complex an emotion as exists. There are many reasons why love does not prosper... the waters are perilous, and you would do well to know that, because unlike your novels, not every story has a happy ending.”
“If you do not know why you should love your wife as a man, love her because she is more emotionally oriented.”
“Life isn't a romance novel. The truth is, the reason romance novels sell so well ---- the reason why everyone loves them ---- is because no one's life is actually like that. Everyone WANTS their life to be like that.”
“Do you know why I love mathematics?""Because it blew your mind for free when you couldn't get drugs?"Eccles snorted in surprise. "Well, yes, but there's another reason.”
“You know why love stories have happy endings?” I shake my head.“Because they end too early,” she continues. “They always end right at the kiss. You never have to see all the bullshit that comes later. You know, Life.”
“Mom, why couldn't my story, my real life story have a happy ending - like in the books?""No true love story has a happy ending; one always must die and leave the other. So there's never a totally happy ending.”