“His eyes narrowed. “First, the marriagewill take place. Just as soon as you’ve regained your senses and realize that tis the only sensible option left to you.”When she would have opened her mouthto dispute his assertion, he shocked her by clamping his hand over her mouth.“You will be silent and allow me to finish. I have doubts that you’ve ever been able to hold your silence for more than a moment in your entire lifetime,” he grumbled.She huffed but his hand tightened on hermouth.“I can only assume that my son overheardme speaking to my men of our marriage. If you would have but cautioned him to hold his tongue, he would not have repeated it beyond his question to you. But now, you’ve announced our marriage to the entire clan.Some might even consider it a proposal. In which case, I accept.”He finished with a grin and then steppedback, releasing his hold on her mouth.“Why … you …,” she sputtered. She workedher mouth up and down but nothing wouldcome out.A cheer went up from the crowdassembled.“A wedding!”

Maya Banks

Maya Banks - “His eyes narrowed. “First, the...” 1

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