“Lana says J.P. makes Matt Damon from the Bourne movies look like Oliver from Hannah Montana”
“I make love with the accuracy of Joe Montana, and from a distance of up to 100 yards.”
“Whenever I look at me, all i see are things I'd like to change.Whenever Damon looks at me, all he sees is a glorious gift from the universesomewhere in the middle lies the truth.”
“Montana seems to me to be what a small boy would think Texas is like from hearing Texans”
“Hannah and Kayla are talking without saying anything. Their conversation goes like this: Hannah: Uh-huh. Kayla: It was like, ugh! Hannah: I know. Kayla: Shit. Come on! Hannah: Well, you know, whatever.Kayla: I guess, but still. Hannah: Yeah. Kayla: You know? Hannah: Yeah.”
“Get away from my brother." - Damon”