“If you want to say something truly new, you must first know everything that has been said in the human history; not half, not ninety percent, but all that has been said! Only then you can say something new, if you can!”
“-you can think you know someone and then they say something or do something and suddenly everything changes.”
“At the end of the day have you been kind to a stranger, learned something new, cherished something old, hugged yourself and accomplished something that made you smile? If so, it has been a very good day indeed.”
“Because that’s how it works after something terrible has happened. You know this is true if something terrible has ever happened to you. A thousand objects take on new meaning. Everything is a reminder of something else.”
“You know, when someone has been crying, something gets left in the air. It's not something you can see or smell, or feel. Or draw. But it's there.”
“I'm sorry' I said again. Whenever someone tells you something said, it's the only thing you can think to say, even if you're already said it before.”