“You want to know what's wrong?" He took her chin, forcing her to look at him. She could feel the angry pounding of his heart through the soft leather of his jerkin. "I'll tell you what's wrong. I want you so bad, I can'tthink straight. My body is on fire. I can't look at you without wanting to pull you into my arms. I can't touch you without thinking of running my handsall over you." Her eyes widened. The raw desire in his gaze shocked her.Never had she thought herself capable of driving a man to such extremepassion. "But that is only half the problem." His eyes had narrowed to slits, the lines around his mouth etched white. The dark stubble of his beard cast an ominous shadow along his hard, square jaw.Whatever the problem, it didn't bode well for her. She tried to pull away, for the first time truly frightened, but he wouldn't let her go. His armswere like steel."You want to know what's really wrong, Elizabeth?" His face was only inches from hers. "I saw you kiss him." He spoke each word with damning precision.”

Monica McCarty

Monica McCarty - “You want to know what's wrong?" He...” 1

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