“Good night, Keeley.""Good night, Brian. Thanks for the ride." Adelia waited until the men were out, then turned to her daughter. "Keeley, I never would've thought it of you. You're tormenting the poor man.""There's nothing poor about that man." Delighted with herself, Keeley broke off a piece of bread and crunched down on it. "And tormenting him is so rewarding.""Well,there's not a woman with blood in her could argue with that. Mind you don't hurt him, darling.”
“If you're goingto play cards, you should ask Burke to join you," Adelia put in. "Then maybe Keeley, Erin and I can find something equally foolish to do with our evening.""Good idea. More wine,Brian?" Keeley lifted the bottle, cocked a brow. The purr in her voice was subtle, but he heard it. And suffered.”
“Plus,he's got a terrific butt.I know becuase I made sure I walked behind him to check it out."With a laugh, Keeley sat down beside her. "First, you're so predictable. Second, if Dad hears you talk that way, he'll shove the man on the first plane back to Ireland. And third, I didn't notice his butt, or anything else about him, particularly.""Liar." Sarah propped her elbow on the counter as her sister took out a lipstick. "I saw you give him the Keeley Grant once-over."Amused, Keeley passed the lipstick to Sarah. "Then let's say I didn't much ie what I saw. The rough-edged and proud of it type just doesn't do it for me.”
“I don't suppose you'd be interested in working part-time at the school?"Adelai turned her head,met Keeley's eyes in the mirror above the bureau. "Are you offering me a job?""It sounds awfully strange when you put it that way, but yes. But don't do it because you feel obliged. Only if you think you'd have the time or the inclination."Adelia spun around, her face brilliant. "What the devil's taken you so long? I'll start tomorrow.""Really? You really want to?""I've been dying to.Oh, it's taken every bit of my willpower not to come down there every day until you just got so used to me being around you didn't realize I was working there. This is exciting!" She rushed over to give Keeley a hug. "I can't wait to tell your father."Keeping her arms tight around her daughter, Adelia did a quick dance. "I'm a groom again.”
“We shouldn't have left." Keeley paced the kitchen, stopping at the windows on each pass. Why weren't they back?"Darling, you're shaking.Come on now, sit and drink your tea.""I can't.What's wrong with men? They'd have beaten that idiot to a pulp.I'm not that surprised at Brian,I suppose, but I expected more restraint from Dad."Genuinely surprised, Adelia glanced over. "Why?"As worry ate through her she raked her hands through her hair. "He's contained. Now you,I could see you taking a few swings..." SHe winced. "No offense," she said, then saw that her mother was grinning."None taken.My temper might be a bit, we'll say, more colorful than your father's. His tends to be cold and deliberate when it's called for.And it was.The man hurt and frightened his little girl.""His little girl was about to attempt to gut the man with a hoof pick." Keeley blew out a breath. "I've never seen Dad hit anyone, or look like he wanted to keep right on with it.”
“Now you can introduce me to the hunk." Mo fell into step beside Keeley."I will if you can behave like you have a brain as well as glands.""It had nothing to do with glands, I'm just curious. Don't worry, I'm taking a page out of your book there when it comes to men."Keeley stopped at the door to the stables. "Excuse me?""You know, guys are fne to look at, or to hang around with occasionally. But there are lots more important things. I'm not going to get involved with one until I'm thirty,soonest."Keeley wasn't certain whether to be amused or appalled.Then she heard Brian's voice, the lilt of it. And he forgot everything else.”