“I can't remember when I've spent a more...enjoyable Saturday." She sighed, then teased his tongue with hers."Since I don't intend to move for at least twenty-four hours,we'll see how you like Sunday as well.""I think I'm going to love it." She slid a hand over his shoulder. "I don't like to be pushy, Senator, but when are you going to marry me?""I thought September in Hyannis Port.""The MacGregor fortess." He saw by her eyes the idea appealed to hre. "But September's two and a half months away.""We'll make it August," he said as he nibbled at her ear. "In the meantime, you and your roommates can move in here, or we can start looking for another place. Would you like to honeymoon in Scotland?"Shelby nestled into his throat. "Yes." She tilted her head back. "In the meantime," she said slowly as her hands wandered down to his waist. "I've been wanting to tell you that there's one of your domestic policies I'm fully in favor or,Senator.""Really?" His mouth lowered to hover just above hers."You have-" she nipped at his bottom lip "-my full support.I wonder if you could just...run through the prodecure for me one more time."Alan slid a hand down her side. "It's my civic duty to make myself avaiable to all my constituents."Shelby's fingers ran up his chest to stop his jaw just before he captured her lips. "As long as it's only me, Senator." She hooked her arm around his neck. "This is the one-man one-vote system.”

Nora Roberts

Nora Roberts - “I can't remember when I've spent a...” 1

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