“I don't suppose you'd be interested in working part-time at the school?"Adelai turned her head,met Keeley's eyes in the mirror above the bureau. "Are you offering me a job?""It sounds awfully strange when you put it that way, but yes. But don't do it because you feel obliged. Only if you think you'd have the time or the inclination."Adelia spun around, her face brilliant. "What the devil's taken you so long? I'll start tomorrow.""Really? You really want to?""I've been dying to.Oh, it's taken every bit of my willpower not to come down there every day until you just got so used to me being around you didn't realize I was working there. This is exciting!" She rushed over to give Keeley a hug. "I can't wait to tell your father."Keeping her arms tight around her daughter, Adelia did a quick dance. "I'm a groom again.”

Nora Roberts

Nora Roberts - “I don't suppose you'd be interested in...” 1

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