“There's nothing worse than having someone moping around feeling sorry for themselves, is there?""A damned nuisance," he agreed lightly as he drew her into the private car. "How much did you take me for in there?"It took her a minute to realize he'd changed the subject. "Oh,I don't know-five,six hundred.""I'll put breakfast on your tab," he said as the doors opened to his and Serena's suite. Her laugh pleased him as much as the hug she gave him."Just like a man," Serena stated as she came into the room. "Waltzing in with a beautiful woman at the crack of dawn while the wife stays home and changes the baby." She held a gurgling Mac over her shoulder.Justin grinned at her. "Nothing worse than a jealous woman.”

Nora Roberts

Nora Roberts - “There's nothing worse than having...” 1

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