“We're working on disrupting an old family tradition." He accepted the glass the Justice offered."He means feud," Shelby explained at her mother's blank look. She sipped the liqueur,approved it, then sat on the arm of Myra's chair."Oh...Oh," Deborah repeated as she remembered. "The Campbells and the MacGregors were blood enemies in Scotland-though I can't quite remember why.""They stole our land," Alan put in mildly."That's what you say." Shelby shot him a look as she sipped again. "We acquired MacGregor land through a royal decree.They weren't good sports about it."Alan gave her a thoughtful smile. "I'd be interested to hear you debate that issue with my father.""What a match," Myra said, brightening at the thought. "Herbert,can you just see our Shelby nose-to-nose with Daniel? All that red hair and stubbornness. You really should arrange it, Alan.""I've been giving it some thought.""Have you?" Shelby's brows lifted to disappear completely under her frizz of bangs."Quite a bit of thought," he said in the same even tone."I've been to that wonderful anachronism in Hyannis Port." Myra gave Shelby a brief pat on the thigh. "It's right up your alley,dear.She's so fond of the-well,let's say unique,shall we?""Yes." Deborah sent Shelby a fond smile. "I could never figure out why. But then,both of my children have always been a mystery.Perhaps it's because they're so bright and clever and restless.I'm always hoping they'll settle down." This time she beamed the smile at Alan. "You're not married, either,are you,Senator?""If you'd like," Shelby said as she studied the color of her liqueur through the crystal, "I could just step out while you discuss the terms of the dowry.""Shelby,really," Deborah murmured over the sound of the Justice's chuckle.”

Nora Roberts

Nora Roberts - “We're working on disrupting an old...” 1

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Nora Roberts
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