“You're pretty sassy this morning, son. Is it all about Reingold's rulings?""That didn't suck, but I've got me a fascinating, beautiful woman I'm falling for. Falling hard.""Quick work.""In the blood. My mama and daddy barely did more than look at each other, and that was that. She's got me, Russ. Right here." He tapped a fist on his heart."Surely it's not considerably lower where she's got you?""There, too. But, Jesus, Russ, she does it for me. I just think about her, and... I swear I could look at her for hours. Days."Brooks let out a half-laugh, edged with a little surprise. "I'm done. I'm gone.”

Nora Roberts

Nora Roberts - “You're pretty sassy this morning, son...” 1

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