“Father continues to make the vulgar error,” she said, “that to a woman, love is her whole existence.”
“Love, the poet said, is woman's whole existence.”
“My father said she was a strong woman, and I believe a strong woman may be stronger than a man, particularly if she happens to have love in her heart. I guess a loving woman is almost indestructible.”
“She wanted to blame him, to blame her whole rotton existence. But seeing Ethan, seeing her mother, seeing the world after the world she had known, somehow took her to the very bottom, the end of self-delusion, and the truth enveloped her like a cocoon, and all she said was "I was so lonely." And Father Time said, "You were never alone.”
“A woman will be loved...in proportion as she makes those around her happy...”
“The distinction between poets and prose writers is a vulgar error.”