“The truth will make you odd.”
“You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you odd.”
“...they didn’t think there was anything very odd in anyone being a little odd.”
“I never talked about you much." I said to Hardy. My voice sounded odd to my own ears.Hardy stared into my eyes and nodded, understanding that some things mean toomuch to be expressed easily.”
“Kevin: 'Hey, Dad. How do you stop people from being stupid?'Dad: 'You don't.'Kevin: 'Really?'Dad: 'I've tried to explain to people when they're being stupid, but then I realized something: Most people like being stupid.'Kevin: 'I don't get it.'Dad: 'Some people just prefer it. It makes their lives easier if they let other people think for them.'Kevin: 'But that doesn't make sense. That's just stu...Oh...”