“Just…tell me I’m not crazy,” he whispered. “That this…isn’t as insane as I think it is”…“I don’t know … Maybe we’re both a little crazy.”“I can live with that.”
“Lesly: I don't think you're insane. Jackie-O: You don't? Lesly: No. Jackie-O: You don't think I'm an eensie weensie bit insane? Lesly: I don't think you're insane. I think you're just spoiled. Jackie-O: Oh please, if everyone around here is going to start telling the truth, I'm going to bed. ”
“If being crazy means living life as if it matters, then I don't mind being completely insane.”
“Oh, I still want to strangle you. But I'm insane. You're crazy. Maybe that's why. We just make crazy together.”
“But I'm insane. You're crazy. Maybe that's why, We can just make crazy together.”