“Those two are carved from the same tree." the queen said. By the same blade." The high king answered and offered her his arm in splendid dignity”
“Devil and God – two sides of the same face.”
“Vish, the creator; and Shiv, the destroyer, are simply two faces of the very same coin.”
“She had thought, instinctively, that Victoria had a remarkably beautiful face. The face showed an alert awareness of life: her lips- full, overblown like clown-lips liable to laugh at the slightest provocation. She thought that her features were not chiseled but almost rugged, handsome, like a colloquial swear-word or a Vermeer peasant-girl, and a knock out at that. An overdone face, like one having two chins, two noses, that was big and abundantly cheerful but at the same time, there was a peculiarly puffy look about those eyes.’('Left from Dhakeshwari')”
“Having two-faced friends is like keeping a crap in your life.”