“There's a problem with marrying up. You always worry that someday they'll see through you and leave. Or, worse yet, someone better will come along and take her. In my case, it wasn't someone. And it wasn't something better.”
“Disappointment and heartbreak are always opportunities for someone or something bigger and better to come in for you.”
“The problem with comparison is that you always feel either better than someone else or worthless compared to someone else.”
“As my father always used to tell me, 'You see, son, there's always someone in the world worse off than you.' And I always used to think, 'So?”
“It was finally becoming clear to her that love wasn't about finding someone perfect to marry. Love was about seeing through to the truth of a person, and accepting all their shades of light and dark. Love was an ability.”
“Wasn't that the point to being married? That you had a partner, someone you trusted, to help with important decisions.”