“I can't just sit at my desk and let this web of weirdness spin around me. (That describes a lot of jobs, I realize, but this is potentially a special kind of magick-with-a-k weirdness.”
“Let me just say that I now know what it feels like to be the last one to show up a party. There is no grand entrance or fireworks. Just a fizzle and lots of weird looks.”
“Must be weird for you, having your mom here.""Weird for me, weird for her, probably weird for you since you had to give up your swinging bachelor pad.""Mrs. Casnoff let me install my heart-shaped Jacuzzi in my new dorm room.""Cal," I said with mock astonishment, "did you just make a joke?""Maybe.”
“These weird thoughts come into my head, and I don't even really want to think about it, but I can't let go of it until I take it as far as I can, until I reach some kind of ending, and then I can move on. That's what writing is like for me.”
“Girls are weird, and I don't mean that offensively. I just can't put it any other way.”
“I just stood there staring, because while I've seen a lot of weird things, I hadn't ever seen that.”