“I'm a dog. I don't have a name yet.(a dazed Namiki)This guy is "Namikisan". That's what Kanade calls him, anyway.What...have we here? SNIFF. SNIFF....CHOMP. CHOMP.'Hey! Did you just eat something off the ground?! Like you didn't stuff your belly at home.' (-Namiki)Hmm? My instinct told me it was okay! And it's almost always right! Like that one time... That one time...'I'm sure some good samaritan'll pick him up.' (-man)'Yeah, who'll take him to the dog pound!' (-woman)'Well, there's nothing we can do about it now...' (-man)Hmm?...RUSTLE. RUSTLE.(Namiki pauses, looks down at him)PAT.KNEAD. KNEAD. KNEAD.'Heh heh.' (-Namiki)Not so rough!KNEAD. KNEAD.Oh, yeah? Try this on for size! NIP. NIP.'Ha ha ha! Ha... ..... ...Oh. I see. You're...' (-Namiki)? WAG. WAG.'...gonna die.' (-Namiki)That one time...my animal instinct told me... (Namiki looks at him with a pained expression)"He's the one!"That's why, even when he walked away at first, even when it rained, I knew it would be okay.(Namiki appears in the rain and reaches down for him, smiling)My instinct was right on target.[at the Animal Hospital]'He probably ate something off the ground.' (-vet.)GROAN. GROAN.'I knew it! Can't you even tell when something's safe to eat or not?! I thought dogs were supposed to have instincts for that!' (-Namiki) PAT. KNEAD.Huh? That's really strange... KNEAD. RUFFLE. RUFFLE.But...(Namiki stops, and smiles down at him)Wait!My instinct was right after all! I AM "okay".(Namiki bends down to his level, still smiling)WAG. WAG. WAG.As long as I'm with HIM, I know everything will be okay.”

Sakura Tsukuba

Sakura Tsukuba - “I'm a dog. I don't have a name yet.(a...” 1

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