“Jacob: I've never seen so much manure.Wade: Baggage stock horses. They pack'em in 27 a car.Jacob: how do you stand the smell?Wade: what smell?”
“He leaned in for a sniff. 'Smells like a horse's arse! I've got Ian!' -'No sniffing allowed! We never discussed sniffing! I cry foul!' Ian was outraged. 'I'm not giving you a shilling!' -'Give him a shilling! It's not his fault you smell like a horse's arse!”
“What is that?"..."Why do you smell like that?"..."Smell like what?""You smell delicious."..."You smell like food. Why do you smell like food?”
“So what if the airin Paris smells of romance?My shirt smells of you.”
“There are two kind of people in the world: Those who smell horse and go 'pee-yew', and those who smell horse and go 'mmmmm'.”
“Can you stand a little closer?""Hmm?""You smell good. I like to smell you.”