“You can woo a girl with a poem, but you can't hold onto her with a poem. Not even with a poetry movement.”
“There ain't no way you can hold onto something that wants to go, you understand? You can only love what you got while you got it.”
“If a fight isn't a life or death situation - which honestly most aren't - people should realize people make mistakes, no one is perfect, and move on from it. For holding onto bad feelings just makes you bitter and makes you one day regret holding onto it when in the long run it most likely won't make a difference.”
“At the banquet table of nature, there are no reserved seats. You get what you can take, and you keep what you can hold. If you can't take anything, you won't get anything, and if you can't hold anything, you won't keep anything. And you can't take anything without organization.”
“Darkness does this. It finds all the places you are hiding in. It finds all the things you are holding onto tightly and makes you let go.”