“Now,young lady,I suppose you're here for a work assignment."Work?" Tally said.They both looked down at her puzzled expression, and Shay burst into laughter.”
“However stupid the choice seemed, Shay had made it with her eyes open, and had respected Tally's choice to stay.”
“Harcourt sent my book to Evelyn Waugh and his comment was: “If this is really the unaided work of a young lady, it is a remarkable product.” My mother was vastly insulted. She put the emphasis on if and lady. Does he suppose you’re not a lady? she says.”
“Do you realize what a special assignment you have here?"I just stared at her. Special assignment would me like interviewing Lady Gaga. This was just cruel and unusual torture.”
“...if it's great reverence you're looking for, or earnest expressions of gratitude - well, then you don't work with kids.”
“I enjoyed making them, and if it's great reverence you're looking for, or earnest expressions of gratitude - well, then you don't work with kids.”