“Worrying is like praying for something bad to happen.”
“I subscribe to the notion that if you worry about something, it is somehowless likely to happen.”
“If you pray why worry, and if you worry, why pray.”
“Today, i learned something. "Good luck and bad luck are strands of the same rope." This expression has deep meaning -turtleBasically, it means that good things and bad things are often interwined, like strands of a rope. You can have one without the other. So even if something bad happens, it's nothing to get worried about. Because life will provide the balance. -Ootake”
“In a way. Magic is the act of making a wish come about. Like praying, like plotting, like herbs, like exerting your will on the world, making something happen.”
“I have this weird, bad feeling," said another boy. "In my feeling parts. Like something bad is going to happen.”