“If we deny the thirst of love, we stand to lose the last known address of the stranger whithin us. ”
“The sorrow of losing what we love is nothing to the torment of having it present but denied us.”
“If we deny the need for thought, Moneo, as some do, we lose the powers of reflection; we cannot define what our senses report. If we deny the flesh, we unwheel the vehicle which bears us. But if we deny emotion, we lose all touch with our internal universe. It was emotions which I missed the most.”
“Sooner or later we all lose our loved ones. We all have to suffer, every last one of us.”
“If we lose freedom here, there is no place to escape to. This is the last stand on earth.”
“We were as strangers, in the moment-as intimate as strangers-for strangers know more of us, and can judge of us more without reproach than ever those we love.”