“...why were you happier when you were a kid? Because you didn't know anything. The more you know, the sadder you get.”

Stephen Colbert

Stephen Colbert - “...why were you happier when you were...” 1

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“The fact that you got a little happier today doesn't change the fact that you also became a little sadder. Every day you become a little more of both, which means that right now, at this exact moment, you're the happiest and the saddest you've ever been in your whole life...Think about it it. Have you ever been happier than right now, lying here in the grass? And have you ever been sadder? It isn't like that for everyone. Some people just get happier and happier every day. And some people just get sadder and sadder. And some people, like you, get both.And what about you, are you the happiest and the saddest right now that you've ever been?Of course I am. Why?Because nothing makes me happier and nothing makes me sadder than you.”

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