“But, in truth, it had not exactly been gold, or even the promise of gold, but more like the fantasy of gold, the fairy dream that the gold is there, at the end of the rainbow, and will continue to be there forever - provided, naturally, that you don't go and look. This is known as finance.”
“sometimes looking for the gold at the end of the rainbow, is like looking for the good in people”
“We will continue to chase rainbows unless we recognize that they are rainbows and there is no pot of gold at the end of them.”
“At the end of the rainbow waited the pot of gold. But rainbows were made of faint and fragile gossamer-and gold weighed a ton-and since the world began, gold was the reason to do most anything.”
“gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold"'Is there a chorus?'"Gold, gold, gold, gold, gold".' said Hwel.'You left out a "gold" there.”
“truth, like gold, is to be obtained not by its growth, but by washing away from it all that is not gold.”